Simple Calculator with Tkinter


This document describes the implementation of a basic calculator using the Tkinter library in Python. The calculator supports basic arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It features a graphical user interface (GUI) with buttons for each digit, arithmetic operators, and a clear button.

Code Overview

The code provided creates a simple calculator application with the following functionalities:

  • Number Entry: Buttons for digits 0-9.

  • Operators: Buttons for addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/).

  • Special Buttons: An equals button (=) to perform calculations and a clear button to reset the calculator.

Detailed Explanation

Importing Tkinter

from tkinter import *

The tkinter library is imported to create the graphical user interface (GUI) for the calculator.

Initializing the Main Window

window = Tk()
window.title("Simple Calculator")
  • Tk() initializes the main window of the application.

  • window.title("Simple Calculator") sets the window title.

  • window.geometry('500x330') defines the size of the window.

Global Variables

n1 = 0
n2 = 0
op = None
res = StringVar()
  • n1 and n2 store the numbers used in calculations.

  • op stores the current operator.

  • res is a StringVar used to display results and updates in the GUI.


  1. getvalue(a): Updates the number displayed based on button clicks.

     def getvalue(a):
         global n1, n2, res
         if op is None:
             number = n1 * 10 + a
             n1 = number
             number = n2 * 10 + a
             n2 = number
    • If no operator is selected, the function updates n1.

    • If an operator is selected, it updates n2.

  2. getop(a): Sets the operator for the calculation.

     def getop(a):
         global op
         op = a
    • Sets the operator (+, -, *, /) and updates the display.
  3. clears(): Resets the calculator.

     def clears():
         global n1, n2, op
         n1 = 0
         n2 = 0
         op = None
    • Resets n1, n2, and op to their initial values and updates the display to 0.
  4. calculate(): Performs the calculation based on the selected operator.

     def calculate():
         if op == '-':
             res.set(str(n1 - n2))
         elif op == '+':
             res.set(str(n1 + n2))
         elif op == '/':
             res.set(str(n1 / n2))
             res.set(str(n1 * n2))
    • Performs the arithmetic operation based on op and updates the result.

GUI Elements

  1. Display Area

     msg = Entry(window, bd=20, textvariable=res, relief='sunken', font=("Helvetica", 20))
     msg.grid(columnspan=4, ipadx=80, ipady=10)
    • Entry widget used to display the current value or result.

    • textvariable=res binds the display to the res variable.

  2. Buttons

    Buttons are created for digits, operators, and special functions.

     button7 = Button(text=7, width=15, height="2", bg='lightgrey', command=lambda: getvalue(7))
     button7.grid(row=1, column=0, pady=1)
    • Button widget for digit 7 with command=lambda: getvalue(7) ensures the getvalue function is called with 7 as an argument.

Similar button creation is done for other digits, operators, and special functions like clear and equals.

Main Loop

  • The mainloop() function starts the Tkinter event loop, making the application responsive to user interactions.


The provided code creates a functional GUI calculator using Tkinter. It handles basic arithmetic operations and provides a user-friendly interface for performing calculations. The use of Tkinter widgets such as Entry and Button allows for straightforward interaction and display of results.